Wow...that full moon yesterday was powerful!! Did you feel it? I don’t know about you but this year has been full of lessons, challenges, hardships and growth to say the least.
My feeling is that ending of decades is a time of closure and rebirth. Anyone feel me here? I am ready for new beginnings and new exciting adventures to come my way but first its time to focus on how to end the year in a great place emotionally, physically and spiritually. Here are some of the things I am adapting to to make some positive changes to end this year in a great place.🙏 *Look for the good in each day even if you are having a shit day! There is always something to be grateful for. Just remember that. *Meditate daily- make it a priority because I can honesty say I feel a huge difference when I don’t make time for it. I feel scattered, and just not grounded. *Workout/move your body. We are not meant to be sitting all day and our bodies need to move and stretch. Start a new workout program or make it a goal to workout 3-5 times a week- consistency is key! The one I am doing now is 35-45 min a day. So doable. *Practice self care- this is a huge one and usually the first thing to get pushed aside when life gets crazy. The thing is its the thing we need the most when life gets crazy. Take some time to get a massage, put some essential oils on your feet and do a self massage, take an epsom salt bath with essential oils and crystals, light some candles, do whatever feels good to you. Make this a habit to do something daily for yourself. *Add more fresh fruits/ vegetables into your diet. Try eating vegetables with every meal. This will give you energy too! *Surround yourself with positive supportive friends- this is so important. *Get enough sleep- I am guilty of this one! Sleep is key to a healthy life and so many of us have issues with it. Make this a priority. *Personal development- this one is a no brainer. We do better when we know better. I love learning how to become a better human. I want to hear what you are doing to end the year in a good place!!
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