I'm starting a new journey and will be sharing what I am learning on here. The tips and tools I share can benefit everyone especially now during these crazy times of stress and anxiety.
So what is Ayurveda? The word Ayurveda means “the science of life” and is a practical approach to creating a healthy lifestyle. This approach teaches you that when you align your daily habits with your natural cycles, support your digestion, eat the right food, move your body regularly, and get good natural sleep, your physiology can work optimally. Ayurveda is rooted in several foundational principles that explain its effectiveness- principles that are increasingly being validated by modern science. It is a holistic mind-body-spirit approach to health and well-being, so it gives you tools for thriving in all aspects of your life—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Research is confirming that when you address all these aspects of your life, you maximize your well-being. It is also a whole-systems medicine, it focuses on the whole body not just symptoms. While you are healing one part of the system, you are also doing things that keep the rest of the body and mind healthy. It looks for the root cause of disease and teaches you how to reverse the disease process by dealing with the factors that created the disease in the first place. Lastly, Ayurveda is personalized by recognizing that we are all different, and that daily practices should be personalized for each individual and their unique mind-body type.