Starting my adrenal healing protocol! After these last few months of nothing but stress-I noticed I have been feeling extra tired, itchy rashes and craving more caffeine and sweets than usual- (I usually don’t crave caffeine or sweets so this was a huge sign for me) Its so important to listen to your body especially during stressful times and prolonged stress. I had already upped my vitamin C but now taking it to the next level with my adrenal protocol which includes all the supplements- Vitamin C, Vitamin D, omegas, liver and adrenal support, probiotics and gut healing support along with getting more restful sleep, eating whole unprocessed foods and cutting out sugar.
It’s all about building Health from the inside out. Most symptoms have causal factors that can be investigated (with use of function al lab testing) and resolved naturally this is where FDN (functional diagnostic nutrition) comes in! It’s when the foundational systems in the body have been under stress and out of balance for some time before the symptoms start appearing. Symptoms are the last thing to show up 😬instead of chasing symptoms, I teach you how to get to the root cause of it. Start at the center, restore the fundamental systems that influence everything else, find balance and watch your symptoms fade away! I love doing this work because being able to help others restore their health is the best gift🙏🙂 I would love to help you too!